Bedford Physiotherapy
Mirella Veras, PT, PhD

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
Women's & Men's Health Physiotherapy
Why visit a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist?
Pelvic floor physiotherapy aims, as its name suggests, to rehabilitate the all-important muscles lining your pelvic floor. These are the muscles you use whenever you control an urge to urinate or defecate; they support the uterus, bladder and rectum.
Pelvic Floor physiotherapists have specialized training in treating range of conditions:
Urinary incontinence or painful urination (Leaking with coughing/sneezing/running)
Constipation, straining, or pain with bowel movements
Pain during or after intercourse
Unexplained pain in your pelvic region, lower back, hips, or genital area
Muscle spasms in the pelvis
Pelvic organ prolapse
Pelvic Pain
Dysmenorrhea (pain before or during menstrual periods)
Dyspareunia, or pain associated with intercourse, can be experienced during penetration
Vulvodynia- is a broad category of pelvic pain that can be broken down into smaller subset diagnoses. They include: 1) Vestibulodynia (pain at the vestibule or “entrance” of the vagina); 2) Vulvodynia (pain in the superficial tissues of the vulva, particularly the labia majora and minora) and 3) Clitordynia (pain at the clitoris)
Sacro-iliac Joint or Pelvic Girdle Pain
Interstitial Cystitis, also known as Painful Bladder Syndrome
Hypotonicity (Weak pelvic floor muscles)
Hypertonicity (Tight pelvic floor muscles)
Anal incontinence ( unwanted passage of gas (flatal incontinence) or solid or liquid feces (fecal incontinence)
Urinary incontinence
Postpartum incontinence
Inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome
Rectus Diastasis (a separation in the rectus abdominis, also known as the “6-pack” muscle. It most often occurs during pregnancy)